Monday, August 25, 2008

California M1 Class Driver

I passed my motorbike driver license exam. After having passed my written exam I enrolled in behind the wheel test which, as I heard, isn’t so easy. Last Sunday I practiced my circle ride and I realized that in fact, this portion of driving test isn’t easy at all. That’s why I decided to practice more yesterday noon. I was confused when my engine went down during practicing clockwise circle. What the heck is going on? Why doesn’t my oil pressure gauge work – I asked that question to myself. I was upset because I started thinking that I have to postpone my driving test. After few moments I knew that situation looked seriously. There was something wrong with the electric installation. Follow the thread to the end (from the battery to the ignition system) I found the weakest link! A zero cable in ignition case lost contact. I temporarily fixed the problem using a screwdriver only and I headed to Ewa’s home. In the garage I did some quick work having soldering iron in one hand and a Leatherman in the second. Done! I thought after few moments. I was happy and concerned at the same time. I lost my practice time, how to pass the upcoming exam?
The day after I woke up early in the morning with this kind of feeling: Why does this alarm clock have to piss me off? Half an hour later I was at the DMV examination place. I confirmed that I understood what I have to do to pass this exam. I put in motion the Koza's 650 engine and….I did my best to hear at the end “you passed, Congratulation!”. What will be next (if any?) – maybe a loader?

Maiden Attempt (Wstydzioch) - Film by Kirk Crowther

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I passed the M1 drive test today on my large HD and let me tell anyone reading that it was not easy. Even though the signs read NO PARKING, there were cars parked on both sides of the test circle giving me about two inches from my mirrors as I drove up the lanes to the circle. Swerving through the cones with cars parked on both sides wasn't easy either. I would advise anyone practicing after hours to expect cars parked next to the test pattern.