Third and last part of vodka triptych is comming!
Date: 03.07.2009
Start: 7:30 pm
Place: 411 Point Lobos
RSVP by 03.05.2009
See you there!
All arround our friendly Chaps!

Darn! Again in the lime ligths: Vodka Spaach part 2.

Ciaran claims he was sober...bla bla bla

Sie kreci party cos czuje...

Legendarne tańce tym się charakteryzują, ze przechodzą do legendy :)

Thinking of tomorrow or I've got a plan??? :)

Front door party!


Bonnie and her Clyde...

I teraz jak na początku jesteśmy tylko Awangardą "official polish drinking team" Reps

Party Leftovers...Who's gonna kick that gut?!
Thanks to all of you who came to visit us that night... History repeats itself. As I remember it all started somewhere at Zabkowska street... Make some noise - this is the only policy for a party time I have :)
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